Developmental Edit
What is a Developmental Edit?
It addresses plot structure, worldbuilding, character arcs, thematic development, chronology, genre expectations, and more. It’s about the big picture. Revision involves scene-level changes and restructuring.
This is the first step for many authors. It comes before line editing or copy editing. Because it’s an edit that requires substantial changes to the manuscript, mechanical issues on the sentence level should be addressed after revision.
How does it work?
You’ll send me a 1,000 word sample, and I will edit for free. For a developmental edit, a section from the beginning of the manuscript is preferred. This gives you an opportunity to see my work and evaluate if we’re a good fit.
After we’ve discussed the sample edit, I will evaluate the manuscript as a whole and determine an exact rate. If you agree, I will send you a contract to sign.
I will collaborate with you during the process, providing suggestions on how to make your story stronger and appeal to more readers. I use track changes in Word and leave comments throughout the manuscript. You will also receive a thorough report, discussing how to expand on your strengths and improve trouble areas. After you’ve had time to look it over, I’m happy to meet with you for an hour to discuss it.
In the end, ultimately, you’re the writer. This is your story. You make the decisions. My goal is to collaborate and work alongside you, not tell you what to do.
How much does it cost?
A developmental edit is the most detailed, comprehensive, and transformative review available for your manuscript. It requires tackling large-scale issues within the manuscript and generating creative solutions.
Rates vary $0.025-0.03 (2.5-3 cents) per word. For epic-length manuscripts, which are common in speculative fiction, I give a decreased rate for word count above 100k.
Marginal comments, questions, and suggestions
A full editorial letter reviewing the story
Plenty of communication, including a one-hour meeting at the end to discuss your questions
What is included?
What is not included?
Due to its nature of being an early edit, many sections and passages of the story will change.
A developmental edit does not address issues related to syntax, punctuation, grammar, or spelling. This edit is focused on storytelling.
“You May Tell a Tale that takes up residence
in someone’s soul, Becomes their blood and self and purpose.”
—Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus