Line Edit
What is a Line Edit?
It addresses stylistic elements on the sentence level, including point of view, narrative distance, show vs tell, word choice, filtering, filler words, clarity, and more. It is different than a copy edit, which addresses mechanical concerns like spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
A line edit comes after a developmental edit, if you’ve chosen to have one, but before copy editing. This edit is meant to improve the stylistic elements of how your story is told while staying true to your unique author voice.
How does it work?
You’ll send me a 1,000 word sample that I will edit for free. For a line edit, a section from the middle of the manuscript is preferred. This gives you an opportunity to see my work and evaluate if we’re a good fit.
After we’ve discussed the sample edit, I will evaluate the manuscript as a whole and determine an exact rate. If you agree, I will send you a contract to sign.
I will collaborate with you throughout the process, providing creative solutions to make your words immersive, evocative, and memorable. I use track changes in Word to leave comments throughout the manuscript. You will also receive a report, discussing how to expand on your strengths and improve trouble areas.
In the end, ultimately, you’re the writer. This is your story. You make the decisions. My goal is to collaborate and work alongside you, not tell you what to do.
How much does it cost?
A line edit is an involved process that requires artistic assessment and involves creative solutions. It improves the writing style on the sentence level.
Rates vary $0.022-0.028 (2.2-2.8 cents) per word. For epic-length manuscripts, which are common in speculative fiction, I give a decreased rate for word count above 100k.
What is included?
Marginal comments, questions, and suggestions
An editorial letter reviewing the artistic elements of the story
Plenty of communication
What is not included?
A line edit does not include extensive correction of punctuation, grammar, or spelling. This edit is about improving the stylistic elements of the writing.
”Our word choices give a sentence
its luster,
And they deserve intense attention.”
—Constance Hale